SEO versus Quality Web Content

What is SEO? Search engine optimization… It is simply a trick / hack, this trick tells search engines “Hey im the one your looking for” even it is not. A (trick)program way too clever that gives an illusion to search engine.

Why use SEO? Being on the top of search engine gives you more sales!

SEO is not a one time job.. see this article :

SEO versus Quality web content, having a website with quality web contents doesn’t need much of an SEO. Google is now actually banning fake websites that uses SEO tricks to pool the search engine.

Other SEO tricks

Back-linking – is one of the best SEO booster. You may want to buy links to popular websites see [monthly link ads cost $2 – $25 USD per month]. (To know the PR of a website install google toolbar on your web browser, also try toolbar)

Facebook page & Twitter – Do you have a facebook page? I hate facebook but it really adds good SEO points to websites.

Blogs – Like back-linking, blogs with a link to your website will give you great SEO points. (Just a suggestion, Try something like “blog us and win a a stuff , products, services or travel” there are tons of bloggers that will join for sure, its a FREE back-linking strategy, you will save tons of dollars).

Mailing list – you must put a subscribe to our news letter or updates, having regular updates to subscriber gives good SEO too.

How to keep text links & back link ads in your website?

We’ll, as most of us web owners know about web advertisements. This “text links & back link ads” somehow come surprisingly and suddenly go. And, that thing is not a good thing for our website business.

So how and what should we do to keep this “text links & back link ads” in our website, and make them stay forever(or at least a longer term). Continue reading

OH NO!!! Topgie is a VIRUS???

My God! I chose a domain that was identified a dangerous virus… but can be safely removed anyway.

According to this link topgie.dll is a harmful virus…

Well, i just tried searching using google my new project and being (baby steps) developed website [well, just got of other (tons) things to do hehehe] which is, i just want to see if google already crawl on it and if they may have add it on their indexes. Continue reading