Techtalk @ Malaysia




Topic: β€œStands out from other development by successfully deliver unique experience to visitor”

Nowadays, there are tons of things are just bumping up and coming from the shadows. It may either be a new Product, Services, Applications, Gadgets, etc. And the competition is really really very tight and it’s really is a battle. For example just few years ago there was a battle of Mobile Operating System? Battle for platforms, Battle for Social Networking Website, Battle of brands and etc.. So who wins? And stands out? Watch out for my talk on how to win πŸ™‚

For more info see



Update πŸ™‚

My hotel accommodation hehe πŸ™‚

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GEOSPEER – another just for fun project :)

Well, this is just another just for fun project by me and my team. Nothing special though (yet) hehe πŸ™‚ – is it AR? Nope… VR? Nope… BCI? Nope… Another spotify? Nope… Another youtube? Nope… Another facebook? Nope… Another google? Nope…

Or let me say “not so yet” πŸ™‚

Watch out!!! πŸ™‚ see