BCI @ IOT Summit Philippines

We conquered IOT Summit Philippines once again 🙂

Actually, we showcased not just BCI but also some of our other services such as Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, & SmartGlass such as HoloLens & Moverio. Booth visitors are overwhelmed and giving us thumbs ups.


Another toy? Yes, and its also another device that will be used for RnD, also for RENT on events. Finally got it and team will be dissecting it. Our plan is to integrate NoloVR to other devices such as PSVR, Brain Control, HoloLens, etc. to make more cool VR, AR, MR, XR Apps. Watch out on our up coming apps for this cool device 🙂

AR & VR for Business! A Success!

Participants enjoyed all the technologies we showcased such as the EPSON Moverio SmartGlass, Microsoft’s HoloLens, Brain Control, Playstation VR, Oculus RIft, 360 Camera, etc) on the Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality for Business activity by ARPH & SmartGlassDevPH. Many thanks to EPSON Philippines for sponsoring and also to Blastasia Inc. for the support.

The outcome of the event is a success as participant companies became collaborator and looking into a partnership for long term ventures.

Link to my slides http://slides.com/artpologabriel/deck-8-17-32-37-58-86

To be cont…

Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality for Business

One of the biggest trend nowadays is the Augmented Reality technology and most of the software providers are into it – Microsoft, Google, Apple, Facebook & Etc. And we are so lucky that Flaunt360 orientation and simple launch will be included in this event – so join in now!

AR VR for business

Click the photo / banner to get to the registration!

See you!

HoloLens Development and Demo

It’s way too cool to work on HoloLens 🙂 Its let us further see future and make’s us feel so gifted (well yah the next generation will have this tech @ home and everywhere but today it is still a bit limited due to the device cost hehe). Aside from that making App for this futuristic device is quite a pride too 🙂

HoloLens Development in the Philippines

It’s always nice to be one of the pioneer in crafting app for new & futuristic technologies. On our turf: Android & IOS VR/AR, Brain Control Interface, and SmartGlass app tech such as Moverio and HoloLens.HoloLens Development is one of the best thing a software architect will gonna love, its not easy though but once something is working.. All you can say is SUPER AWESOME!!!!


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