Web dev trick: jquery load () plus friendly url [solved]


Web dev trick: friendly url without using .htaccess / mod_rewrite [solved]


bunch of Javascripts

So here it is :

We all know that its easy to load or inject a content to an already loaded page using jquery.load() function, but the usual problem is “the url bar”, “page title” is not updating, and the biggest problem is when the user refresh the page, its all gonna go back to the state of the page it was first loaded.

So how are we gonna do that because when we click a normal <a> tag the page will go to that url and leaves the page you are currently on. Continue reading

OH NO!!! Topgie is a VIRUS???

My God! I chose a domain that was identified a dangerous virus… but can be safely removed anyway.

According to this link topgie.dll is a harmful virus…

Well, i just tried searching using google my new project and being (baby steps) developed website [well, just got of other (tons) things to do hehehe] which is topgie.com, i just want to see if google already crawl on it and if they may have add it on their indexes. Continue reading