DNS (Domain Name System) is an Internet service that converts user-friendly domain names into the numerical Internet protocol (IP) addresses that computers use to talk to each other. When you enter a domain name, such as www.fbi.gov, in your web browser address bar, your computer contacts DNS servers to determine the IP address for the website. Your computer then uses this IP address to locate and connect to the website. DNS servers are operated by your Internet service provider (ISP) and are included in your computer’s network configuration. DNS and DNS Servers are a critical component of your computer’s operating environment—without them, you would not be able to access websites, send e-mail, or use any other Internet services. Continue reading
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3d interactive in less than 5 minutes
3d interactive 101 : Make a 3d interactive in less than 5 minutes
Introducing Blender 3d – its a free 3d modeling software with built-in game engine.
download it at www.blender.org/download/get-blender/ try getting the oldest version for our tutorial (new ones are great but we wont need too much for now, just the basic. In this tutorial i only use version 2.25 so try downloading the same version) – why the old version? well, you don’t need an army to defeat an easy enemy – gamers thought 🙂
install it on your machine, make sure you downloaded the right installer for your operating system.
open the application – you will see gray interface with many thin lines like the photo below:
go to “camera view” – see “menu – view” at the top
right-click the vertical thin black line – (see photo below), and hit G key to grab it (its the camera), then drag it a bit upward to see the grid lines (default floor), then right-click to end the dragging & position it.
Now you will see a tiny flat square lying on the floor, you may want to scale it, right-click to select then hit S & drag to scale it. Scaled
hit Space – you will see a pop up menu, click add – Mesh – Cube
click on the realtime button, make sure the cube is selected (its pink when selected)
add a sensor, just click it.. later we will adjust some option
then a controller, just click it again..
then an actuators, yes just click it..
connect the sensor to controller, by click & dragging the small gold icons to each other
add some parameters, find the dRot shift right click on the first column then put some numeric value, lets make it .01 value. this is actually adding local rotation X – to the cube (remember X Y Z axis? will explain it on my other tutorials later).
Back to the sensor – leftclick the button that says “always” and select “keyboard” – yes you just give it a user interactive option.
on the button labeled “key” – hit it then choose any keyboard key, i used SPACE for this tutorial
Let’s simulate it or let me say – run it on game engine, yes i said that this blender3d has a builtin game engine – awesome right 🙂 hit START GAME and voila – nothing happens 🙁
try hitting the SPACE key.. and if you followed the instructions the cube will rotate, everytime you hit SPACE on your keyboard.
Next, is.. play around with different value of actuators then try using other sensors’s options.. try adding other MESH objects like sphere, tube, etc..
NO PHOTOS – See this link
I will post other tutorials, shading the interactive interface, adding textures & materials, gravity, physics etc..
Web-based 3d interactive interface is now cheap!
Back then only BIG Companies and Corporations can avail 3d technology for websites such as 3d interactive interface. Now, using Combined Open Source Technology, Team artsdigitalmedia.com offers LOW COST development services with the same technology and aesthetic interface.
Artsdigitalmedia.com’s prices is 50% lower than the other technology service provider [example the AARKID.COM, www.oopsdigital.com, www.panoround.com, www.schlager.at , www.gagliano.at, www.interdevice.com.br, www.virgorv.com.br, www.schlager.at, www.gagliano.at, www.panoround.com, www.frolixdesign.com, www.kisp.com, www.massinfo.com.
(e.g. compare pricing of AARKID (common price of the above mentioned other technology service providers) at url http://aarkid.com/3d-prices.html and http://artsdigitalmedia.com/pricelist.php from Philippines).
Also, artsdigitalmedia.com has two (2) options/versions available, both JAVA & FLASH environments, (not just JAVA3d) where clients can choose which technology will fit on their requirements.