Free Facebook Ads!

Well, as we all know facebook really soup up the web traffic. Being number two (2) on the most popular website today [according to] And having an advertisement at facebook drives hits to your website, and maybe get sales. But you can never have a facebook ads for free.

Did i say not free???

Well, there are ways to get a free Facebook ads.

1. Get as many FB LIKE as possible.

2. Get as many Friends as possible

3. Ask your friends to re-post your post (the advertisement)

4. Make friends with famous personalities (maybe actors, actress, signers & bands –  etc. ) and give him/her a free taste of your product for a free endorsement.

5. Send message to FB members (then put your ads)

6. Try this “Get FB ads Free” systems (i haven’t tried it yet…)


Ohhh… i really hate blogging facebook things, but it somehow helps me get higher page rank and search engine ranks… (pair enough i guess)