Why can't i waste my time???

Its tardy feeling, but still i can’t seem to waste my time doing things that are NOT PRODUCTIVE!!!

I hardly feel that i have to go on doing the important things even i feel like i need a break…

Maybe, there are just lots of things need to be done first in order to do some “real” relaxation… due to this mind of mine can’t seem to relax while there are things unsettled…

I need to get RICH first in order for me to stop pushing myself doing all this projects!!!

Im going to be rich!!!

Else i wont have time to waste my time!!! Wahhh!!!

the 1st Philippine 3d interactive Mall

Have u ever bought an item online? maybe on ebay or any buy and sell websites? Yes, i think you already did.

Have u seen the products in an awesome 3d interactive interface? Yes, i think you already did.

3d mallBut, have you ever see a buy and sell website that showcase their products in a very nice 3d interactive interface? Where you will be able to customized the product (maybe color, size, any options available [its like doing the personalization yourself before buying the product]) before purchasing it.

Well, the future of buying and selling online is near, and started here in the Philippines!

Team artsdigitalmedia.com announces the coming full launching of the first Philippine 3d interactive mall!

Be one of the first to walk through it! click here preview 3d mall


We are now inviting merchants and cosigners to join this online break through! We will release the entire floor plan for reservation of 3d stall/slots. We also create 3d interactive products (shoes, laptops/computers, kitchen appliances/utensils and every thing that can be designed in 3d )

Please contact us at http://artsdigitalmedia.com/contactus.php for reservation