My continuation to my previous tutorial 3d interactive in less than 5 minutes
Let’s now texture the 3d cube:
Open Blender3d (version 2.25)
Split the screen in two, for better viewing – move your mouse into the “dividers”, and observe the cursor will change its appearance, right-click on it. select “split” .
then place your cursor to the “interface selection” – click it then select the “girlface” icon – and will look like this.
Navigate / find your images files – supported are JPG / BMP files – use JPG its better 🙂
Will look like this once image is loaded. Also, go to camera view and zoom a bit to your 3d file. Select if – make sure its in color “pink” & not in “yellow dotted vertices” (tuldokz).
Press “F” – Face Select mode to load image to 3d object, then – select any or all “Face” of the 3d Object – then go to the “LOAD” image to load an image or see the button near the “LOAD” button (its near left with a negative/minus sign) – click it and a drop down will show previously loaded image – Select an image there.
Make sure in your “3d interface” the “texture mode” it active and not the “wireframe” more, here’s how to do it.
There you go 🙂 You just successfully textured one side of the 3d Cube, you can select all its faces and load image to it.
Goodluck & enjoy 🙂